Uno sviluppatore leader mondiale di software VMS e PSIM intelligenti

Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH (Poland): AxxonSoft PSIM + Pelco cameras

The IT field is booming – drawing both big dollars and increasing crime. Digital theft is on the upswing, making reliable security more critical than ever for research facilities. In the last year, AxxonSoft and its technology partners have implemented a number of major security projects at scientific and educational institutions. One of these is integration of an AxxonSoft-powered security system at the Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH in Krakow, Poland.


Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH was created in 1973 by the National Committee for Scientific Research for development of supercomputer software and construction of a Krakow-wide metropolitan area network. Today, Cyfronet AGH is a major Polish academic institution as well as popular venue for international research and conferences in the IT field.

In 2014, a new hall was added for computers, and in April 2015 the Centre added Poland's fastest-ever supercomputer, named Prometheus. This was the first project of its scale in Eastern Europe, and only the third such project in the world: the first supercomputer based on the HP Apollo 8000 platform is sited in the U.S. and the second one in Norway.


To protect intellectual property and high-value computing hardware, Cyfronet AGH management decided to equip the site with a modern security system that is convenient for Centre employees while simultaneously guaranteeing the integrity of all memory devices and research data.

Based on the project goals and objectives, management determined that any prospective security system must:

  • Support distributed use.
  • Enable operation of a monitoring hub.
  • Allow for use of a multilayer interactive map.
  • Automatically process events.
  • Integrate with Galaxy Access Control and Intruder Alarm System.


After analysis of the software options available, the choice of security platform went to the AxxonSoft PSIM from AxxonSoft.

AxxonSoft PSIM, as an infinitely scalable mulitfunctional open platform, met the project needs in terms of reliability, versatility, and flexibility. Advantages of AxxonSoft PSIM over competing software included its ability to unify video surveillance, security alarms, perimeter security, and access control in a single infrastructure.

IP cameras from Pelco (Schneider Electric Group) were chosen for their high quality and reliability. Due to the client's need for hardware integration with special access control and fire/security alarm equipment, a Honeywell Galaxy Dimension module was deployed as well.


Thanks to the efforts of AxxonSoft and its partners, Cyfronet was able to obtain a system that performs non-stop surveillance of all areas of the Academic Computer Centre and empowers staff to continue performing cutting-edge IT research.

Altre Informazioni Importanti

"Il supporto AxxonSoft non è secondo a nessuno. Quando si aiuta il proprio maggiore cliente a passare ad un'altra piattaforma software è sempre un’operazione delicata. AxxonSoft mi ha seguito passo dopo passo e ha utilizzato tutte le risorse necessarie a rendere l’operazione un vero successo."

Gene Parisi, Presidente Proactive Solutions (Axxon Partner - USA)

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