Uno sviluppatore leader mondiale di software VMS e PSIM intelligenti

Axxon One Video Management Software

Axxon One is limitlessly scalable video management software that fits both small and large video surveillance installations, including multi-location deployments. Axxon One stands out as one of the best video management software options leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence to deliver unique value, featuring intelligent video management system capabilities and customizable video analytics. 

Discover Axxon One 2.0's Features
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Axxon One 2.0 Released
Axxon One 2.0 Released
Integration with Physical Security Systems
Integration with Physical Security Systems
Similarity Search
Similarity Search
AI Vehicle Make & Model Recognition
AI Vehicle Make & Model Recognition
Dynamic Privacy Mask
Dynamic Privacy Mask
Point of Sale (POS) Supervision
Point of Sale (POS) Supervision
Instant Event Search
Instant Event Search
New User Interface
New User Interface
Connecting to Multiple Sites via the Cloud
Connecting to Multiple Sites via the Cloud
OpenStreetMap & Google Maps integration
OpenStreetMap & Google Maps integration
Monitoring Multi-Story Buildings
Monitoring Multi-Story Buildings
Enhanced Web Client Capabilities
Enhanced Web Client Capabilities
Web Client Alarm Panel
Web Client Alarm Panel
VMS unificato
VMS con gestione in cloud
Ricerca in pochi secondi
Utilizzare il potere dell'IA

Integrazione dei sistemi di sicurezza

L'unificazione fornisce un approccio efficace alla sicurezza che garantisce una consapevolezza della situazione completa e accurata, basata su dati provenienti da più fonti. Axxon One si integra con i sistemi di controllo degli accessi, gli allarmi antincendio e antintrusione e i sistemi di protezione perimetrale. Collega le riprese video a vari eventi e consente di creare scenari di risposta complessi, adattati a situazioni specifiche, rendendo le misure di sicurezza più mirate ed efficaci.


A free cloud service for working with on-premises Axxon One video management systems, including those distributed across multiple locations. AxxonNet provides convenient and secure remote video monitoring, customizable reporting based on video analytics data, and centralized management of watchlists for real-time license plate recognition.

Ricerca Smart

Discover intelligent video management software with advanced technologies for efficient data retrieval. Quickly search by license plates, vehicle makes and models, similarity in appearance, and more, streamlining video investigations and maximizing your security staff's efficiency. Simplify video management with our innovative system.

Analisi alimentata dall'IA

Experience the power of AI-driven video analysis solutions in our cutting-edge video management software. Our intelligent video management system offers a wide range of benefits, including human/vehicle detection, fire and smoke detection, behavior analytics, LPR, object counting, and on-demand AI training for specific tasks like PPE detection. Discover our VMS software with top-notch video management features today.

Specifiche tecniche

A convenient table view of Axxon One VMS core functions, special features, video analytics, and supported devices and standards. 


PDF version of the complete Axxon One presentation containing detailed information about our advanced video management software. 

Scarica .pdf


Detailed information about Axxon One VMS features and technologies in a PDF format.  

Scarica .pdf

Versioni di Axxon One

Explore our diverse VMS and choose your video management option. The number of desktop, mobile, and web clients is unlimited. No payment for them is charged. 

Funzionalità professional
Fino a 30 server in un sistema distribuito
Numero illimitato di telecamere in un sistema
Profili ONVIF G, S, T, M
Tutte le funzionalità Pro +
Replica archivio
Riepilogo eventi di motion
Tutte le funzionalità Enterprise +
Numero illimitato di server in un sistema distribuito
Unificazione del Dominio del Datacenter
Integration with Physical Security Systems
Scegli il tuo pacchetto
Soluzioni Verticali

I sistemi di sicurezza verticali basati sul VMS Axxon One e la Axxon PSIM hanno dimostrato la loro efficacia in migliaia di progetti, indipendentemente dalla scala o dalla complessità. Molti clienti si fidano di loro grazie alla loro capacità di costruire sistemi di videosorveglianza basati su intelligenza artificiale veramente intelligenti o soluzioni di sicurezza fisica integrate.

Scopri di più
Qualsiasi dimensione. Funzionalità completa. Intelligenza artificiale

Axxon One Video Management Software combines innovative technologies and experience with deployment at tens of thousands of sites. It’s a balanced product that can meet the needs of any project, whatever the scale or complexity. With no limit on the total number of cameras, servers and clients, our video management system offers full functionality even for smaller installations. Moreover, to meet your very specific needs, we implement a turnkey AI video analytics training program. 
