Uno sviluppatore leader mondiale di software VMS e PSIM intelligenti

Axxon PSIM 4.11 now includes ONVIF server


Among the world’s leading VMS and PSIM software developers, AxxonSoft has become the first one to implement ONVIF server function to stream to external systems.

It allows ONVIF clients to connect to a deployed Intellect PSIM system, as they would to an ONVIF compatible device. Supports live video streaming with synchronized audio in H.264/H.265/MPEG-4/MJPEG formats, multistreaming, access to video footage, multicasting, authentication, and transmission of I/O events from devices as well as metadata. Moreover, the module supports digest authentication, ONVIF events filtering, and the ONVIF Imaging Service specification.

Axxon PSIM 4.11 now includes ONVIF server

The ONVIF specification is standardized for use by various manufacturers. The standard is supported in the Axxon PSIM for both data reception and transmission. Any system that can receive ONVIF data (including other Intellect-powered systems) may act as an ONVIF client.

An Axxon PSIM server with a running ONVIF module may act as a network gateway for multiple video servers and devices. This function is particularly useful when you need to aggregate data from diverse systems.

AxxonSoft has been an ONVIF member since 2010 and actively contributes to development of new standards; AxxonSoft’s products support ONVIF S, G, T and C profiles. In 2015, Intellect became the first PSIM to officially support ONVIF Profile G. In 2019, Axxon VMS and Axxon PSIM were the first systems of their types to officially support the newly introduced ONVIF Profile T standard. In 2019, the Axxon PSIM integrated the first access control device over the ONVIF Profile C protocol.